Welcome to Pelican Thermogenics

Join Us In Efficient Food Dehydration And Effective Waste Management

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About Us

About The Company

We are building up the most efficient industrial heating system. Using Microwave. We are in the path of displacing steam boilers, heating coils, hot oil baths. Our heating system is going to be in every Waste Management system, Agriculture industry, Food industry and Chemical reactors. We are building“MUMAH”


Our vision is to create world class, efficient microwave drying systems that gladly engages secondary agricultural producers and wet waste managers.


We are on a mission to save food, using energy efficient & affordable microwave-based rapid drying systems, for creating value added products in secondary agriculture and bio-degradable waste management. We shall achieve this with passionate and focused teamwork, constant innovation, sustainable models, and effective community participation.


Enviro conscious

About The Team

Dr.Priya Rao

  • A Practical Teacher Cum Scientist Who, As An Entrepreneur, Developed A Successful R & D Wing Of A Biotech Industry With A Die-Hard Obsession To Create Wealth From Waste.
  • Focuses Only On Product & Process / Technology Development Related To Agri- Biotech, Enviro-Biotech, Waste Management, Natural Products, And Biopolymers.
  • Passionate About Sustainable Lifestyle Protocols.


  • Co-Author Of ELEVEN International Patents
  • Published And Presented Many International / National Papers / Articles.

Dr. C.N.Manoj


Holds a PhD in Natural Products chemistry from Gandhigram Rural University, Tamil Nadu, India.

After 3 years as Research Scientist and Technical Director in couple of Phyto-pharma industries, founded PBCL as a sustainable and socially responsible enterprise with intent to protect the environment.

Have since created a number of programs and projects in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, New Delhi for promoting sustainable lifestyle and eco-friendly practices.

Innovation and Product

Microwave Heating

Microwaves are electromagnetic wave that can be used for rapid heat transfer that enable volumetric and selective heating. Microwave further supplement by providing for compactness of equipment, speed of switching on and off and pollution-free environment as there are no products of combustion.

Advantages of Microwave Heating

The main features of microwave heating are:

  • It heats the matrix and not the container, thereby heat loss is considerably reduced.
  • The nutrients in dehydrated food is not hugely altered by microwave under vacuum.
  • One of the most efficient and proven heating technologies in terms of reaction time and energy consumption.

The Solution

Multiple Magnetron Heater 'MuMaH'

Global Patents

We have patented the Novel design of multiple microwave/radiofrequency (MW/RF) magnetrons heated single vessel/reactor/chamber and its various applications including a novel dehydration process employing solvent extraction and solvent recovery.

Novel Multiple Magnetron Microwave Heating Element

Multiple Magnetron Heater “MuMaH” is plug and play solution for heating and drying requirements. MuMaH house several low capacity magnetrons arranged in a specific way to prevent wave interference and selective and precise heating.

The system can be used to dehydrate products such as vegetables, fish, fruits, meat, chemicals etc. This technology of dehydration can revolutionize the food industry wherein dehydrated food products are similar to that generated out of freeze drier with shelf life at ambient temperatures.

Advantages of MuMaH

  • In MuMaH we use multiple magnetrons of low capacity like 1 /2 KW. This overcome the high cost of high capacity magnetrons (eg: 5, 10, 20 KW etc) and accessories such as huge transformers. The cost is reduced to the extent of around one-tenth to one-twentieth.
  • Dehydrated products being lighter will considerably reduce the cost of transport and will have exponentially increased shelf life.
  • The dehydration process can be maneuvered to generate fat-free, pesticide-free and antibiotic-free food products.

Microwave heating system using low capacity multiple magnetrons in a single chamber with vacuum

  • Use of vacuum enhances efficiency and enables use of solvent.
  • Use of process control systems enables local area heating control – prevents over-heating and charring.
  • Microwave now scalable to many 1000’s of Litres.

Our Achievements

• Incubated at IIM Kozhikode under La Eve Women Entrepreneur Incubation Program.

Pelican Thermogenics was incubated into La eve women entrepreneur incubation program which is flagship event of IIMK’s LIVE program in March 2021


• Incubated at KAU RABI PACE 2020:

Pelican Thermogenics was the part of an incubation program organised by the Kerala Agriculture University, Thrissur for 8 Weeks (August - September 2020). We incubated at KAU under the RABI PACE 2020

• Finalist in FLCTD Accelerator Program:

We were a part of the FLCTD Accelerator Program and reached the final Top 8 Companies

• Associated with Kerala Startup Mission

We are active partners with KSUM as part of their Innovation Grant 2020

• Winner of TIE Women Kerala Chapter

• Participant in Acceleration Program 2021 By Global Parli & AIC-RMP


• Cohort Of Womenpreneur 2021 By Atal Incubation Centre Jaipur, India

• Participant in I- RISE Program 2021 Organised By IISER Mohali, Punjab

Selected into I- RISE Technology Business Incubation By IISER.

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